
October Free Wills Month

We are pleased announce our involvement this year with Free Wills Month ( to provide free simple Wills to anyone over the age of 55 (or if you are a couple only one of you must be over 55) for the month of October part funded by ten major charities.

The Free Wills Month charities which are supporting this campaign are:

Great Ormond Street Hospital                                  The Blue Cross

The Stroke Association                                              Guide Dogs

Breakthrough Breast Cancer                                    The Children’s Society

R.N.L.I                                                                        British Lung Foundation

British Heart Foundation                                               WWF



The charities hope you are able to support them when making a Will and on behalf of the charities that will benefit from your kindness – a heartfelt ‘thank you’.

If you would like any more information about Free Wills Month or wish to make an appointment please contact Sam Clarke ( .