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A new year is a great opportunity to review your Will – or to make one for the first time.
This may seem like just one more task on a never-ending to-do list but ensuring you have a valid, up to date Will is really important. It is only by making a Will that you can ensure that your estate is passed after your death according to your wishes. If you die without a valid Will, the distribution of your estate will be governed by the intestacy rules and the result of this may not be what you would have wanted.
Did you know: Even if you live together, unmarried partners have no right to inherit under the intestacy rules. Only spouses, civil partners and certain close relatives can inherit, and there is a strict order of priority.
Even if you already have a Will, big life events – such as buying a new home, marriage or the death of a loved one – should be a prompt for you to ensure that your Will is up to date. Having an out of date Will can cause just as many problems as not having one at all.
Did you know: Unless it contains instructions to the contrary, a Will is automatically revoked on marriage.
A Will is an important legal document, and the consequences of a poorly drafted or incorrectly executed Will can be disastrous – and will often only emerge after you die, potentially causing huge problems for your loved ones.
Having a Will prepared by a Solicitor is by far the best way to ensure that it is valid and effective.
Did you know: In order to be valid, there are strict rules governing how a Will is signed and witnessed. Any amendments made to a Will after it has been signed (or ‘executed’) may render it invalid.
Of course, nobody likes to think about what happens when they die but making a Will and ensuring it is valid and up to date is one of the best things you can do for your loved ones and for your own peace of mind.
The Hughes Paddison Private Client team is here to help. Led by Head of Department, Caroline Farmer, we have between us many years of experience in Private Client law.
A member of our friendly and knowledgeable team will meet you to get you know you and to discuss your circumstances and your wishes.
Whether you have never made a Will before, or you are updating one that is several years old, we will listen to you, explain your options in an easy to understand manner and offer advice on Inheritance Tax and estate planning.
We will ensure that your Will is the best fit for you and your circumstances and will of course ensure that it is validly executed.
Please contact info@hughes-paddison.co.uk or telephone 01242 574244 and ask to speak to the Private Client Team.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The information contained on this page has been prepared for the purpose of this blog/article only. The content should not be regarded at any time as a substitute for taking legal advice.